If you have your own pool in the backyard, you are sure to be the envy of all of your neighbours, friends, and family. But how much would solar pool heating set you back if that’s something you’re interested in?
Does the prospect of going for a swim in your pool seem less appealing when the temperature outside drops? At that point, a homeowner may become more receptive to the concept of solar heating. We take a look at the many aspects of it, including the price, how it operates, and how it stacks up against other pool-heating choices.
What exactly is solar pool heating, and how does it function in a swimming pool?
The process of heating the water in a swimming pool using energy from the sun that is captured and then transferred to the water is known as solar pool heating. The procedure is analogized by the manufacturer Boss Solar as being similar to leaving a garden hose that is full of water out in the sun. Both the water that comes out of the hose and the hose itself are likely to get rather heated if they are allowed to remain in the sun for an extended period of time.
The method of solar pool heating is explained by the firm as consisting of pushing water via a series of tubes that are enclosed within solar collectors (also known as solar absorbers). The water that is contained within the tubes is heated by the sun’s rays thanks to the fact that the tubes are normally fixed on a piece of the roof of the home. After the water has been heated, it is pumped back into the pool, which causes the temperature of the pool to rise.
A digital controller may be utilised in some systems to enable the owner to programme the desired temperature.
According to the recommendations of Pools Plus Solar, there are primarily two types of solar heating systems that may be purchased in Australia:
Tubes are contained in collectors composed of rubber or plastic, which are flexible and may theoretically be installed on a larger range of acceptable surfaces. Systems that use strip or ribbon collectors Tubes are housed in these collectors. These systems are normally ideal if you live in a climate that is warm and bright, but they might not be as efficient in temps that are lower.
Systems that make use of panel collectors have tubes that are contained in collectors made of semi-rigid polypropylene. These collectors are considered to be less flexible but generally longer-lasting, more windproof, and help warm the water more quickly if they use copper, aluminium, or vacuum-sealed glass. Most of the time, these systems cost more to set up, but when the temperature is low, they can be more efficient than strip or ribbon collectors.
How much does it cost to heat a pool with solar panels?
According to pool installer Pools Plus Solar, the price of a solar pool heating system ranges anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 on average. This price varies based on the size of your pool and the technology that you pick. According to the information provided by the firm, the price of the system itself can range anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000, and the cost of the installation can be anywhere from $600 to $2,500.
The cost of heating your pool with solar energy could vary a lot depending on the size of your pool, how easy it is to install, how much heat you need, and what kind of heating system you choose.
According to Pools Plus Solar, you may be looking at a total cost of up to $6,350 for the solar panels, in addition to the price of installation.
To keep water moving through the solar system in a steady way, you need a pump. flow rate According to the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia (SPASA), you may be allowed to utilise your existing pool pump provided it satisfies the standards for capacity,flow, and water pressure. In that case, you might need to install a booster pump that is only for you. Running cold water through the collectors can actually lower the temperature of your pool, so SPASA also suggests installing a way to control the system based on the temperature. chanism. With this device, the pump will only work when the solar system is collecting heat. The price of a booster pump is normally around $300, and the price of a temperature sensor for the pump can be around the same amount.
The installation process should not take more than a couple of days. However, the amount of time necessary for installation will change depending on the kind of system you decide to install, how difficult it is to do so, the weather, and other elements.
Pools Plus Solar says that once your solar pool heating system is built, it should cost less than a dollar a day to run. This makes it a much cheaper option than electric or gas heating systems. Because of this, solar is a more cost-effective option than a heat pump that runs on gas or electricity, which, according to Pools Plus Solar, may cost as much as $750 a year to operate. Pools Plus Solar has done the maths and found that the average solar pool heating system will pay for itself in less than two years.
This calculator from Pools Plus Solar can give you an idea of how much different ways of heating your pool can cost, taking into account where you live and how big your pool is.
How much will my pool be warmed up by solar heating?
How well solar heating works depends on a number of factors, such as where the pool is, how much sunlight the solar collectors will get on an average day, and how big the pool is. Solar pool heating will raise the temperature of your pool by between 2 and 10 degrees Celsius. This, of course, is dependent on the size of your pool as well as your location.
According to the information provided by Pools Plus Solar, it might take anywhere from one to eleven days to heat the pool to a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, depending on where you live, the weather at the time, and whether or not you use a pool cover.
According to SPASA, the temperature of your solar-heated pool can be affected by a variety of different factors, including the following:
The amount of space used by the solar collector, as well as the quantity of tubes or panels— It is recommended that the area be at least 80 percent of the total size of your pool, but preferably 100 percent. For maximum efficiency, the solar collector should face north. If that isn’t possible, it should face west or be put on a flat roof.
The tilt of the solar collectors should, ideally, be at an angle that is equivalent to your geographical latitude plus 10–15 percent (your installer or supplier should be able to calculate this for you)
Materials used for roofing: the panels can collect heat not only from the sun but also from the surface of the roof, which sends heat to the water pipes. When it comes to the conduction of In heat, metal roofs are superior to slate or tile roofs, and dark-colored roofs are superior to light-colored roofs.
Although black solar collectors are the most efficient, this colour may not be appropriate if you want your collector to match or compliment the colour of the roof that is already there.
Direct shadowing over the collectors and/or the pool might cause the temperature of the water to drop, depending on the situation.
Wind:Pool Covers: Putting a cover on your pool can help the water stay warmer for longer and prevent heat from escaping. Swimming pools in regions where there is a lot of wind lose their heat more quickly.
Pool covers: putting a cover on your pool can help the water stay warmer for longer and prevent heat from escaping.
Is the use of solar energy to heat swimming pools better for the environment?
SPASA and the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment both say that using solar energy to heat a swimming pool is both cheaper and better for the environment than using a heat pump or gas heating. However, unlike the other methods of heating a pool, solar heating won’t necessarily make it possible to swim in the pool throughout the whole year.
In addition, SPASA suggests that you stay on top of pool maintenance, particularly the routine cleaning of filters, because clogged filters can force other equipment to work harder and draw more power. If you want to make efficiency and sustainability your top priorities, follow these recommendations.
SPASA provides certification and labels items with the phrase “Climate Care Certified” in an effort to assist pool owners in recognising ecologically appropriate products for their pools. Solar heating products, as well as pool covers, pumps, lights, and filters, can be certified if they meet standards for water efficiency, energy efficiency, and noise reduction, and if they have a unique design that is good for the environment.
What are the advantages of using solar energy to heat my pool?
The following is a potential list of advantages of solar heating for swimming pools:
Stay in the water for longer since heating a pool enables homeowners to continue using it even when the weather outside is chilly. Your swimming season may be extended by as much as four months if you heat your pool using solar energy, depending on where you live.
Most of the time, solar heating of swimming pools costs less to run than other types of heating.
A typical solar collector pool heating system will have a guarantee of around 12 years, in comparison to an average of 1–5 years for other types of heating systems.
Alternative Energy that is friendlier to the environment. Solar pool heating may be an option that is friendlier to the environment than other methods of pool heating, and it may require less reliance on the power grid.